Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Slackin' Blogger

That would be me.

My darling Greyhair has had a birthday, which resulted in a visit with his mom and her husband, so blogging time was non-existent, and then his Greyness was suffering from a mild anaphylactic reaction to one of his medications, and a massive case of poison oak. He is pictured making out with our Miniature Schnauzer, Gator.

Our home is on a hillside formerly covered with scrub, manzanita and poison oak and we've rid the yard of most of it, but some stragglers pop up every spring amid the ground cover on our side slope. I went on a reconnaissance mission with my spray bottle of blackberry and vine killer and found about 5 suspect plants and after spraying them I covered them with rocks to prevent the dogs from bringing the oil in on their fur--our most likely source--although our Greyhair did pull a "weed" while planting some fuschias that "might have been poison oak." Doh!

Long story short, sewing time has been at a premium for the last couple of weeks, but I am improving my time management and have finished up a couple of lotto blocks for Nancy and Moira and have one Sew-A-Row done with 3 more due by June 5th. Pictures to follow.


susan said...

oh dear, that does not sound good. hopefully he is ok now??

~Niki~ said...

I have a new blog to list your quilt blog, if you are interested, I'd love to have you join us! http://justusquilters.blogspot.com/

Teresa said...

I hope Greyhair is feeling much better now. Doesn't sound to me like you have been slackin' at all. And...Happy Birthday Grayhair!

*karendianne. said...

Whew. Glad everyone is feeling better.

As a side note - LeeHaven Loves Miniature Schnauzer's! Just for the record and all. ;0

LeeHaven Menagerie Love, *karendianne & (2 parrots, 3 cats adn 2 dogs)