Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
More Love in the Mailbox
From my Sistah Kathy B. in Woodland, the one who got me started on this whole sampler enterprise, I present the block Beacon Lights. I love this block and had I needed to do one for the quilt, this is the one I'd have made.
I've been appliqueing like a fiend at night while watching Deadwood again, but you wouldn't know it by my progress. I'm facing the demon skeleton and working this dude is a slow-go. In the past few days, I've managed to finish most of the carpals and metacarpals on this, his left hand. I'm also treating myself to occasional breaks from hands and fingers to work on the clavicles and ribs.
I've found with these small pieces it is much easier to mark them all in proper position on a larger piece of fabric and then baste them down only in the places that are the actual applique. When I'm ready to tackle a new piece, I simply trim around it to separate it from the rest and I'm good to go. You can probably see through the rib-piece that I've already appliqued the sternum, so I'll just cut around that when I'm ready. He will have more teeth....maybe. I'm kind of getting used to him with only one!
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Ms. Jan
4:10 PM
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Blocks, Blocks and More Blocks
Another Lotto block arrived over the weekend from my friend Marilyn and I love this one so much!
I really wanted this block, but I hate flying geese and I happen to know that Marilyn is a pro at them, so she got this one and if you will notice, her points are perfect. That's Marilyn for you, a pro.
I'm also caught up on my DMBOM with blocks two and three finished and up on the design wall.
On deck: a few machine applique blocks for a Sew-A-Row with a Christmas theme. I'm a couple of weeks late on this one, but since the next rotation is the final one and I built some "fluff time" into the schedule, we'll be fine. The most recent American Quilter Magazine (from AQS) has two great articles on machine applique, both satin stitch and buttonhole and well worth looking for.
One 2008 Sew-A-Row is already complete, worked on by speed demons (not me for sure) and I'll show you a picture of that one tomorrow.
Posted by
Ms. Jan
9:51 AM
I'd love to hear from you!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Another Lotto Block Arrives
From my pal Molly in Sacramento.
Is this quilt going to rock my world? You betcha! It is going to be hard to give away, except that the recipient is pretty danged deserving. Whoever it is.
Happy Friday all, I'm off to sew some more Designers Mystery BOM blocks just for me.....actually, I have a recipient in mind for them as well.
The silly little siggy is not working today, so I'll sign off myself, jan
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Ms. Jan
4:56 PM
I'd love to hear from you!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
First Lotto Block Arrives!
Every month, my online group of longtime friends the Fat Quarters has a lotto for those who wish to participate. We used operate more like a real lotto, having the prior month's winner send out fabric to everyone and then draw lots for a new winner. Last year, we decided to change things a bit and work it like another swap we all used to do, the Favorite Fabric Swap. In the FF swap, each member would send out her favorite fabric and the others would make a specific block they'd signed up for at the beginning. Blending the best of both worlds, each member signs up for a month and on her month she sends fabric and pattern to the others, with or without go-withs depending on what she wants.
August is my month and I opted to send out sampler blocks using Marsha McKloskey's Block Party and Judie Rothermel's Civil War Classics line. The fabrics were offered as an online Block of the Month, but since my friend Kathy gave me fat eighths of the entire line, I opted to buy a finishing kit and do the rest on my own. Kathy joined me in this project and her quilt is nearly done.
My first block arrived today from my friend Nancy, Near Philadelphia and she did a bang-up job, as I knew she would. Nancy also sent me a wonderful quilt kit from the aforementioned Fat Quarter Shop in lieu of a Pirate's Booty Swap quilt back when her Joe was sick --in spite of being told not-to-worry, but she didn't have her listening ears on. Nancy knows how I feel about Halloween and Sandy Gervais fabrics. Sweet.
On the topic of Halloween, I'm one block closer to finishing the Verna Mosquera BOM. Mr. Jack O'Lantern has joined the others in the finished box. Now the boot full of candy and yes, the skeleton.
You can run, but you can't hide!
Posted by
Ms. Jan
5:42 PM
I'd love to hear from you!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Another Block of the Month
Last spring I signed up for a Block of the Month at one of my favorite online shops The Fat Quarter Shop. If you've never been there, go. Now. You will spend money, I guarantee it. Of course if you are in a no-fabric-buying-mode you can always just look, but don't drool on your keyboard, it makes them cranky.
Anyhoo, Kim started a BOM Designers Mystery using the Peace On Earth line by 3 Sisters for Moda, which I just love. The mystery blocks started arriving in June and I got a little behind what with all the travelling in July, so I decided to start catching up today with Block One, a modification of an old one-patch type quilt I've always known as Kansas Dugout, near and dear to me because I hand pieced one for my second baby, Daniel born in 1980. The block went together well and had impeccable pressing instructions that would have enabled me to match my corners perfectly had I followed them. The story of my life--can't follow directions!
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Ms. Jan
3:19 PM
I'd love to hear from you!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
No Sew Weekend
Saturdays are so busy and during the summer our weather is so beautiful that we don't spend a lot of time indoors, so not much sewing gets done. This was one of those weekends.
I have another block almost finished on the Halloween applique and will post tomorrow. That leaves one block to prepare while I'm dodging the finishing of the skeleton. Sooner or later, it will catch up with me...
Here is a picture of the blocks I made in the Pepper Cory workshop at Quilt Festival a couple of weeks ago. The solid block fabric is the one Pepper loved so I gave her a fat quarter. I'm liking how this looks so far, very scrappy and sweet.
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Ms. Jan
6:03 PM
I'd love to hear from you!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Yes, I Am Sewing
I'm finally sewing a bit and last night while watching a bit of television, I finished work on another block of the Halloween BOM. While at Quilt Festival I got to meet the designer, Verna Mosquera, and had fun chatting with her about how much I loved the quilt. When I told her about being behind on the skeleton she told me to use wool, but I'm too far into it to change now.
This block (three blocks actually) worked up more quickly than you might imagine. I made the spiderweb as I would have if I'd been doing reverse applique. All of the rings were marked on the same fabric and I cut away each line as I appliqued it down, and then I placed the center and "arms" over the top and appliqued it down.
All I have left is a shoe full of candy and a Jack-O-Lanter and of course, the rest of the skeleton. I had to unstitch an ulna, femur and hip socket last night because I'd placed them a bit wonky and if allowed to stay, the poor dude would have had rather stretched ankles and wrists. Bad enough to be a skeleton, one needn't be deformed!
Also, today I was able to make a pillowcase for my daughter's brother-in-law and got Benjamin and Alexander's names ironed down (and Benjamin's appliqued) for their Christmas quilts. FINALLY, some progress.
Posted by
Ms. Jan
6:07 PM
I'd love to hear from you!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Sunday Report
I've had a busy week getting things back to normal at home and really haven't sewed much. I pulled out a quilt top made several years ago and am quilting it up for daughter Kate's hubby's grandparents who both have cancer. Grandma is always cold, so I'm doing some quick quilting to get this one to her fast. Anyone who lives in the Central Valley of California and is cold in July really needs a quilt!
Posted by
Ms. Jan
10:16 AM
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