Gettin' Down to the Carpals, Tarsals and Phalanges
And the metatarsals and metacarpals and let us not forget the ribs, incisors and canines. In other words, the skeleton is the last man standing as it were. I finished the embellishments on the shoe full of candy last night and did a few more ribs and metatarsals (toes).Here's a sneak peek at the skeleton so far. I need to re-size the lower tombstone and make it a bit smaller before I can applique it down. The cauldron needs some embellishment and instead of the plain bubbles I'm using the new Clover yo-yo maker to make 3/4" yo-yos. (yes, we are missing a phalange on one foot and need to cut another)
Also on deck are some quick panel baby quilts backed in flannel for baby girls born in the San Joaquin Valley during August. Babies in that region don't need their quilts right away if born in the summer, but time is coming soon when they will. Daughter Kate's friends keep this Nana very busy!